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Division 38 : Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery
381  Waste collection
 3811 Collection of non-hazardous waste
   This class includes collection of non-hazardous solid waste (i.e. garbage) within a local area, such as collection of waste from households and businesses by means of refuse bins, wheeled bins, containers etc may include mixed recoverable materials, collection of recyclable materials, collection of used cooking oils and fats, collection of refuse in litter-bins in public places, collection of construction and demolition waste, collection and removal of debris such as brush and rubble, collection of waste output of textile mills, operation of waste transfer stations for non-hazardous waste
   This class excludes:
   - collection of hazardous waste, see 3812
   - operation of landfills for the disposal of non-hazardous waste, see 3821
    -  operation of facilities where commingled recoverable materials such as paper, plastics, etc. are sorted into distinct categories, see 3830
  38110Collection of non-hazardous waste
 3812 Collection of hazardous waste
   This class includes the collection of solid and non-solid hazardous waste,
   i.e. explosive, oxidizing, flammable, toxic, irritant, carcinogenic, corrosive,
   infectious and other substances and preparations harmful for human health
   and environment. It may also entail identification, treatment, packaging and
   labeling of waste for the purposes of transport.
  38120Collection of hazardous waste
382  Waste treatment and disposal
 3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste
   This class includes the disposal, treatment prior to disposal and other
   treatment of solid or non-solid non-hazardous waste.
   This class excludes:
   - incineration and combustion of hazardous waste, see 3822
    - operation of facilities where commingled recoverable materials such as paper, plastics, used beverage cans and metals, are sorted into distinct categories, see 3830
    - decontamination, clean up of land, water; toxic material abatement, see 3900
  38210Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste
 3822 Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste
   This class excludes:
   - incineration of non-hazardous waste, see 3821
    - decontamination, clean up of land, water; toxic material abatement, see 3900
   - reprocessing of nuclear fuels, see 2011
  38221 Treatment and disposal of toxic live or dead animals and other, contaminated waste, disposal of used goods; incineration of hazardous waste
  38222Treatment, disposal and storage of radioactive nuclear waste
383  Materials recovery
 3830 Materials recovery
   This class includes recovery of materials such as paper, plastics, used
   beverage cans and metals, into distinct categories, from garbage. Also
   includes the processing of metal and non-metal waste and scrap and other
   articles into secondary raw material
   This class excludes:
    - manufacture of new final products from (whether or not self-manufactured) secondary metal raw materials, such as spinning yarn from garnetted stock, making pulp from paper waste, retreading tyres or production of metal from metal scrap, see corresponding classes in section C (Manufacturing)
   - reprocessing of nuclear fuels, see 2011
   - treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste, see 3821
   - treatment of organic waste for disposal, see 3821
    - energy recovery from non-hazardous waste incineration processes, see 3821
    - disposal of used goods such as refrigerators to eliminate harmful waste, see 3822
    - treatment and disposal of transition radioactive waste from hospitals etc., see 3822
   - treatment and disposal of toxic, contaminated waste, see 3822
    - dismantling of automobiles, computers, televisions and other equipment to obtain and re-sell usable parts, see section G
   - wholesale of recoverable materials, see 4669
  38300Materials recovery
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